Find out more about the six previous Irish Discworld Conventions below:

IDWCon 2011 Logo2009 & 2011 – the Falls Hotel, Ennistymon

Long ago, in the magical land of Ennistymon, two conventions were organised by the mystical Tri-Chair. Sadly, much of what came to pass there is now obscured by the mists of time, but to this day we still continue to build on the Traditions that were laid down by these two conventions.

IDWCon 2013 Logo2013 – the Radisson Blu, Limerick

Expanding on the success of the first two IDWCons, the Tri-Chair moved IDWCon to a larger hotel with better transport links, to accommodate demand. You can find out a bit more about what happened on that convention's aftermath page.

IDWCon 2015 Logo2015 – the Cork International Hotel, Cork

In 2015, Captain Shivers took over the reins, relocating to the people’s capital: Cork. The theme of this convention was the Watch Open Weekend, and we all had a lot of fun being drafted in as Special Constables to investigate an ‘orrible murder attempt. You can get a feel of the convention by looking at the old website – see especially the 2015 Aftermath page.

2IDWCon 2017 Logo017 – the Cork International Hotel, Cork

Still in Cork, the IDWCon 2017 was themed as the Unseen University Open Weekend. Over the course of the weekend, the various academic delegates (attendees) helped us reassemble Hex after a catastrophic Hexplosion (and that was only the start of the Hex puns). You can reminisce nostalgically over at our previous website.

IDWCon 2019 Logo2019 – the Cork International Hotel, Cork

Staying in Cork, the IDWCon 2019 brought the tiny Uberwald village of Schnapp to roundworld. You can remember the fun, or wish you were there, at our previous website.