We know ye folk love to get dressed up in Costume!!! Just because we're doing this online is no excuse not to get your sewing kit out and create your favourite Discworld Character!! Again the rules are simple:

  • Please send a high quality, clear photo of your entry;
  • You can include a short (max 10 second) video if you prefer (should you feel the need to twirl!!);
  • Please include your badge name and number with each submission - you must be a member of IDWCon2021 to enter;
  • Please include a (max 250 word) description of you costume including how and why you put it together;

Email all entries to chair@idwcon.org before Monday 27th September Midnight Saturday October 2nd with 'Cosplay' in the subject line. The winner of this competition will receive a Cori Celestics Travel cup and an IDWCon2021 Membership Pack.