We know we have lots of Animal Lovers in our midst!!! Who here believes that their furry friend is the perfect animal version of their favourite Discworld Character? Well now is your time to prove it. Please note that this is not a costume competition; most animals do not like being put in costume so don't do it!!! If you want to make a costume - make it for yourself!! What we are looking for in this competition is a pet who intrinsically exhibits the characteristics of a beloved character. This may be a physical characteristic or within their personality.

The rules of this competition are simple - but strict:

  • Any animal (except humans) can be entered;
  • No costumes of any description may be used;
  • Props that do not interfere with the animal may be included in the picture;
  • Entries must include a high quality image and a description (max 250 words) of why your animal looks like your chosen character;
  • Please include your badge name and number with your submission - you must be a member of IDWCon2021 to enter;
  • Any entry that shows an animal in costume will be disqualified.

Email all entries to chair@idwcon.org before Monday 27th September Midnight Saturday October 2nd with 'Pet Lookalike' in the subject line. The winner of this competition will receive a Cori Celestics Travel cup and an IDWCon2021 Membership Pack.

I'm really hoping there's some Binkies out there!!!