We know you'll have questions and while some of the fine detail is still being worked on we've provided the answers to the big questions below. We'll continue to update this page as needed.
Q. Why is the Convention being held online?
Due to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, and after much deliberation, we have decided it is not safe or feasible to hold the Irish Discworld Convention in person in 2021. There are a number of factors that we have been considering very carefully for many months now, but it comes down to a few important details:
Safety: Although the vaccines are being rolled out very efficiently in some places like the UK, this is not the case here in Ireland. Vaccinations are happening frustratingly slowly. Furthermore, we are still not clear on the long-term efficiency for those at high-risk or against new strains. A Con that is not safe to attend is not an option.
Your pocket: If we go ahead and then have to cancel at short notice, we know that we cannot offer any refunds or help you out with travel/accommodation costs. This doesn't seem fair.
Our pocket: We have been handed the reins of IDWCon and we take this honour very seriously. We must ensure the financial security and longevity of the convention so that we can meet up when it is safe to do so.
We're not sure if you can get here: Cork airport recently announced they will close the airport for 2 weeks in the Autumn but have not stated when. Seriously - I think we have angered the gods!!!!!
Q. But I’m already vaccinated. Surely everyone will be vaccinated by then?
The vaccine rollout is not happening nearly as quickly as we would like in Ireland. Furthermore, even if you are vaccinated, we do not know how effective this will be and how it will work against future potential strains.
Q. But what if you only let vaccinated people attend?
In the future, there may be such things as ‘vaccination passports’ which may allow the enforcement of such an idea, but no such thing exists yet. Plus, we still don’t know what level of travel restrictions there will be on entering Ireland in October - even if you can prove you are vaccinated. Vaccinations also don’t last forever so you would need to be able to show a recent vaccine (recent may vary depending on the particular vaccine)
Q. But it’s March - aren’t you making this call too soon?
We have been considering an online format for some time now and have progressively seen it as increasingly inevitable. The recent announcement of the closure of Cork airport has made us make this decision now. Plus - we need lots of time to prepare this online event to the standards we expect!
Q. Maybe you’ll change your mind later in the year and it will still happen in Cork?
No. We have spoken with the Cork International Hotel and they agree with our decision. IDWCon21 will not happen in Cork, it will be purely online.
Q. I’m going to Cork anyway…
We can’t stop you from going to the hotel if it is open and taking bookings, but there will be no Irish Discworld Convention events happening in the Cork International Hotel in October 2021. If you are travelling from abroad, please ensure you check travel restrictions and access to Cork International airport at the time. We strongly advise you not to travel.
Q. Ok, I’ll attend online. When will tickets go on sale and what will they cost?
Membership is now available on our Membership page at a cost of €30.
Q. So if it’s online I can wait until the last minute to buy tickets - there will be no limit on how many people can attend!
No. We are limited to 500 attendees. This is due to costs incurred by the online platform. Plus we will have special merchandise offers that will have limited availability (Watch this Space!!!)
Q. Meh… this is just going to be another Zoom call. Why would I bother?
This is NOT going to be just another Zoom call!!! We have spent months reviewing and researching online delivery platforms to ensure we can bring you the most professional, interactive, friendly, ‘as close to home as we can make it’ Irish Discworld Convention!! You will not want to miss this!!!
Q. But I Wanna Hug People in the Lobby!!!!
Even if we said only vaccinated people could attend; and even if the airport didn’t close; and even if there were no travel restrictions coming into Ireland in October… there will still be some level of social distancing that would need to be enforced at the event. We would have to limit crowds in the main hall or not allow people to congregate (let alone hug!) in the lobby. It wouldn't be IDWCon.
Q. Will it still run from Friday to Monday?
No, the convention will now run from Friday to Sunday
Q. I still see references to the hotel on your website
We will be updating the websites, policies, images etc over the next week or two to remove references Cork, the hotel, reg desk etc.
Q. I still have questions
Watch this space. We will update as things are finalised. Alternatively, please contact chair@idwcon.org for specific queries.